Planners - what's the deal and how are they useful?
Life with three kids can get pretty hectic. We have to fit in football training and matches (twice), cricket training and matches (twice - plus indoor nets in the winter!), swimming lessons, performing arts classes, play dates, tennis lessons (including husband), birthday parties, holiday clubs...the list never ends!
Family life can get so busy I'm always scared i'll drop the ball somewhere. Did I remember to get a card and present for the birthday party? Who's on tennis drop off and performing arts pick up whilst the other one of us is watching a football match?
Thankfully our shared iPhone calendar has saved us more times than I can count! But I needed more. Something I could physically look at every morning to help me stay on track for the week ahead. August, in particular, was chaos. Between holiday clubs, day trips, and random chill days, my brain completely lost track of what day it was!
So, I started printing out basic Word calendar templates and scribbling down our plans. Functional? Yes. Cute? Not at all. Stuck to the kitchen cupboard door, it was helpful but definitely not a work of art.
And then it clicked—why not create my own? Something that’s not just functional but also stylish and perfectly suited to my needs. Surely I'm not the only one who would find this useful, so in the hope of saving the sanity of at least one other person, here we are... Three Bears Workshop!